

2022 vol.03 학술논문 002_친환경 식물생산단지 조성을 위한 법적 검토_윤장훈⋅최성경⋅지수지⋅최윤의⋅권오만

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 1,063회 작성일 23-12-27 11:14


As various environmental problems emerge because of climate change, the importance of expanding the green areas and creating landscapes is imperative to resolving them. Accordingly, the plant production complex market consisting of landscape trees and flowers is rapidly developing. As the size of the production complex increases, environmental problems keep recurring because of the indiscriminate land-use changes and the rise in non-point pollution sources. In this study has reviewed the permissions related to laws and LID, and renewable energy prospects related to the laws, to establish a plant production complex incorporating environmental-friendly facilities. For the research method, the laws were selected by referring to the main work contents of each department in charge. The contents related to the laws about being environmental-friendly and production complexes were also reviewed. As a result, there was no content dealing with the environmental-friendly facilities in the plant production complex permissions related to laws. The LID and renewable energy related to the laws aimed to use the LID technique but there was no provision for mandatory installation. In addition, although there were contents for review related to greenhouse gases and carbon neutrality there was no specific legal action specific to the plant production complexes. This indicates the need to reorganize the legal framework for the creation of an environmental-friendly plant production complex. Therefore, through this study, it is expected that the basic data related to legal review will be utilized to develop the guidelines and establish the policies suitable for the land environment of the environmental-friendly plant production complexes.

Key words : Landscape Trees, LID(Low-Impact Development), Renewable Energy, Permissions


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