2021 vol.02 학술논문 002_건축물 경관심의의 질적 향상을 위한 평가항목 선정_송대석
페이지 정보

We derived the evaluation criteria for building landscape review through a review of the preceding
research, and set the main evaluation items for systematic and specific evaluation of the building landscape review
targeting experts in each field as the purpose of the study. Method: We reviewed the research documents and
checklists for the type and landscape review related to landscape planning, and the architectural landscape review,
and reviewed the evaluation criteria of the building landscape. The reviewed criteria were gathered and then
reclassified for any redundant and similar contents, and classified in detail according to the reviewed content.
Finally,we derived evaluation criteria byreorganizing the contents of the review criteria that were either ambiguous
or comprehensive in detail. The derived evaluation criteria were collected through expert questionnaires, and the
importance of building landscape evaluationcriteria wasanalyzed using the SPSS26.0program. Result: As a result
of the study, first, 18 viewpoints were set through expert questionnaires to establish specific and systematic
guidelines for building landscape review. Second, if the 18 points of view that were set were classified by type in
consideration of similar properties or characteristics according to the attributes of the view point, they were
classified into four types: architectural plan, external space plan, outdoor advertisement, and night view. Third, the
evaluation criteria corresponding to the architectural plan are set as 11 items, the evaluation criteria corresponding
to the external space plan are set to 5 items, the evaluation criteria corresponding to outdoor advertisements are set
to 1, and the evaluation criteria for the night scenery evaluation category is set to 1 item, so the evaluation criteria
that are set the most are the evaluation criteria corresponding to the architectural plan. We expect these results will
provide a framework for a systematic and reliable analysis in the future and be used as reference materials for
architectural landscape reviews.
We derived the evaluation criteria for building landscape review through a review of the preceding
research, and set the main evaluation items for systematic and specific evaluation of the building landscape review
targeting experts in each field as the purpose of the study. Method: We reviewed the research documents and
checklists for the type and landscape review related to landscape planning, and the architectural landscape review,
and reviewed the evaluation criteria of the building landscape. The reviewed criteria were gathered and then
reclassified for any redundant and similar contents, and classified in detail according to the reviewed content.
Finally,we derived evaluation criteria byreorganizing the contents of the review criteria that were either ambiguous
or comprehensive in detail. The derived evaluation criteria were collected through expert questionnaires, and the
importance of building landscape evaluationcriteria wasanalyzed using the SPSS26.0program. Result: As a result
of the study, first, 18 viewpoints were set through expert questionnaires to establish specific and systematic
guidelines for building landscape review. Second, if the 18 points of view that were set were classified by type in
consideration of similar properties or characteristics according to the attributes of the view point, they were
classified into four types: architectural plan, external space plan, outdoor advertisement, and night view. Third, the
evaluation criteria corresponding to the architectural plan are set as 11 items, the evaluation criteria corresponding
to the external space plan are set to 5 items, the evaluation criteria corresponding to outdoor advertisements are set
to 1, and the evaluation criteria for the night scenery evaluation category is set to 1 item, so the evaluation criteria
that are set the most are the evaluation criteria corresponding to the architectural plan. We expect these results will
provide a framework for a systematic and reliable analysis in the future and be used as reference materials for
architectural landscape reviews.
2021 vol.02 학술논문_ 건축물 경관심의의 질적 향상을 위한 평가항목 선정 _ 송대석.pdf (417.9K)
1회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-12-27 10:49:37